Possibility: Ritual Campaign for Starbuck, Yogi Tea or your favorite Morning Bevvy Company

Rei Chou
3 min readApr 6, 2023

What’s Possible: Ritual, Awakening, Intention + Attention for a Million People Each and Every Day

I am a possibility machine and a big part of my gift is creating/holding profound spaces and experiences. So when I think about brands, I can’t help but imagine the kinds of experiences they could create with their reach and just a little bit of interaction design.

Let’s take Your morning Coffee or Tea for example.

Many brands and individuals already describe it as a ritual. It’s something you reach for to bring you life. It’s an experience that you know exactly how you want : oat milk, cinnamon, two sugars or whatever highly detailed specification.

But what if it was actually a ritual? It’s a moment that could be so much more meaningful, create so much more impact (not to mention connection with a brand).

Imagine if your morning drink came with a ritual moment.

With your drink, you get a little card, or a note on the sleeve that invites you to consider what kind of day you want to have.

Maybe it would ask you for one word for what you’d like to realize today. Or an option of three words to choose from. Imagine written on the side of your cup:

What could you use a little more of today w/ your coffee? Grace, Grit, or Gratitude?

Or maybe there’s a little 1. 2. 3. step process:

  1. Take a breath with your drink
  2. Set an intention for what you’d like to welcome in today
  3. Take a sip and drink in your intention

Or maybe there’s a little donation box where you get to choose one of the three and with every token, Starbucks will donate to support youth empowerment and one lucky customer each day wins a free drink for participating.

Imagine the ripples that might emerge from millions of people around the world taking a moment to pause and consider how it is they want to be instead of mindlessly moving forward in their habitual patterns. And imagine the good will and connection that people would experience with the brand that helped them shift their perspectives, attitudes and gave them a moment of reflection in today’s exponentially changing world?

Because guess what, when we stop to notice, guess what we notice? Our relationship with the things, people, experiences and world around us. And when we do that, we are awakened to the role of all of these in our lives.

Creating a moment for people to realize something about their world, also creates a moment for them to realize the role of your brand/product in their lives. And if you make it one that helps them, that they can appreciate, well that good will just comes right back around.

I share this because I hope someone does this. There is an opportunity to enliven, awaken and support millions of people touched by products every morning to be more considered about the lives they want, and what they’re putting in their bodies.

If you want help with making this a reality, get in touch. I know some of the best ritual designers in the business everywhere from Stanford to IDEO.

Here’s to new possibilities.



Rei Chou

Artist, Healer, and Facilitator of transformative ventures. I help people live their aliveness and connect with themselves, each other + something greater