Rei Chou
2 min readOct 4, 2022



Some spiritual traditions say it’s the heart of all attachment and the Christians have marked its pursuit with a big red A.

But desire is part of a worldly life. And in tantric traditions, this world we live in and everything that’s part of it is a part of God. Our union with what we most desire is, in a way, a union with a part of ourselves: one that feels true, and full, and whole (which is why it feels so good).

Now there are some things that will get us what we want, and there are others that are a mirage: the stories of our families, communities, and cultures and our very own egos.

I was recently at Climate Week in New York and I saw these mirages everywhere. It pops up in very sneaky ways. Maybe we have a genuine desire to help but we feel like we need to hustle and grind our way to success. We believe in an idea of scarcity that says “no one wants to fund what I’m building” so we wall ourselves off to collaboration and true partnership. Maybe the flashy approval of others starts to hijack the not-so-glorious but ultimately more fulfilling work on the ground.

Whether it’s ventures or relationships, jobs or purpose, we are all subject to the beliefs of the culture we grew up in, its ideas of what we should want and what success looks like.

But what do YOU want?

Ken Browar and dancer/photographer Deborah Ory from the book “The Art of Movement”

Teal Swan once suggested rooting for others to get whatever it is they want. Because in getting what they want, they’ll realize it was unfulfilling and move toward deeper exploration.

Now, I think:

  1. We are subconsciously doing that all the time anyway
  2. There are ways to more deeply inquire about what you more deeply desire. For example you could explore the following questions:
  • What do you love to do? What makes you feel good? Fulfilled?
  • What would you love to do that you don’t believe is possible?
  • What role do you love to play? (Maybe you’re a starter or a convener more than a builder or operator or vice versa)
  • If you got to do exactly what you want, how you want it, what would you get to feel?

For those working to fulfill their purpose and make this world better, it is imperative that you know what you want. Precisely so that you can be successful at realizing your deeper yearning: for more love, for more fulfillment, and for a more beautiful world.

If you’re wondering if you’re on the right track or trying to get started, get in touch. I’d love to talk about desire and helping you realize the blissful union of getting what you truly want.



Rei Chou

Artist, Healer, and Facilitator of transformative ventures. I help people live their aliveness and connect with themselves, each other + something greater